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Friend. How have you been?

What have you been up to? What have you seen?

And how was your winter, was it like mine?

Let’s go out on the town and have ourselves a real good time

Sing some silly sailors rhymes and remember.


And friend. You’re looking well.

But there’s something about you. It isn’t hard to tell.

Which brings me to ask, where is your little one?

Did she leave you alone crying in the desert sun?

Just don’t let that make you think that you’re no good for anyone

Because you are.



Say, do you remember when

We climbed up that mountain?

I’d like to do that again.


But now, it’s getting late

I really must be going. It’s been a long day.

But keep in touch, we’ll get together again

Then we’ll sit and we’ll laugh and talk about way back when

Until then just remember I will always

Be your friend.

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