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Hello, and Welcome to MyEU!!!

My name is Richard Curt Farvolden, and I am…amongst other things…a songwriter. I play acoustic guitar, mostly, with a bit of electric once in awhile. I’ve also been known to bang on a drum, or play a kazoo when prompted!

I have written quite a few songs, and have been fortunate enough to so far record a couple of albums of my music, which you will find here… under the banner of “MyEU”…which stands for “My Ever-expanding Universe”. 

You see, everything I have seen and done in my life so far has influenced my writing, and all the people I have met and worked with, either musically or otherwise, have been equally influential. So, I cannot solely lay claim to the songs I have written. I feel that all in “MyEU” have been instrumental in these creations. I have truly been gifted through my work and my travels to see so many incredible things, to meet so many incredible people, and to have enjoyed making music with so many incredible musicians. Thank you all for being a part of MyEU!!

The music on my albums covers a range in styles…from Folk music to Rock,  Blues to Country, from kinda Calypso to slightly Jazzy, and more. I am honoured that you have visited my site, and I hope you can find a track or two that perhaps align with an experience that you have encountered in your life experience…in YOUR “EU”!

So, enjoy!!! And, if you wish, you can send a note or comment. I would love to hear from you. After all, you are now a part of “MyEU”, and I am now a part of yours!!

Peace and love to all,

Richard Curt Farvolden
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